I was one of many design judge in 2023 for FSAE-IC Engine and was curious about the Electric competition so I went over as a spectator. Wow!

The idea that any SCCA could go electric would be pretty hard to imagine. Gasoline has the good manners to be visible, smellable, feel-able and even taste-able if your unfortunate enough, but the first sense that electrons are leaking may very well be your last sensation.. Hence, reading the FSAE rules for these little machines is pretty daunting.

I could maybe see a mass produced electric being possible for racing but the price would naturally have to reflect the engineering cost and liability exposure and fix-it-yourself without some sort of certification would be sketchy at best.

It was very interesting. I highly recommend taking advantage of seeing these things if you get a chance and if you have the inclination reading their rule book.

They’re presently limited to 600 vdc and 80kW. Compare that to your house maxes at at 240vac and my 200 amp service means I “only” have 48kW service.