I'm not getting a lot of responses off of the FB AIM users group, so I'll post this here.
I'm having some issues with my XG Log, probably compounded by some computer issues. Please bear with me on this long explanation.
Background: I normally run my data system from my Mac using Bootcamp. When I set this up, I made some mistakes on the MAC side, so I deleted my bootcamp install and for now, have reverted to a dedicated PC to run my AIM system.
Prior to my last race weekend I had a OP problem. After numerous troubleshooting attempts, I decided it was the VDO sender (the big one with the screw terminals) and decided to race with no OP indication. During this troubleshooting I may have changed the configuration of the dash trying to determine if I had a sender problem, or a channel problem in the dash. I don't recall.
To complicate matters, between the last race weekend and now the PC had a hard drive failure and so it now has a clean Win 10 install. I installed RaceStudio 2.56.84, which seems to be the latest. I downloaded the .cfg file from my backup and then cloned my dash, and the two matched.
I just purchased a new trailbrake OP sensor, and Its still not working - at least I can't see anything moving with the dash online and cranking to get some pressure. When online I can see the steering sensor and the throttle sensor move and the WT correlates with my garage temp.
So while troubleshooting I noticed this - in the channels window the steering sensor shows up as a thermocouple, but the other sensor types and assignments are OK. When I clicked on the thermocouple to change it, I got a long, vertical, and difficult to use window that did not include a mid zero pot.
Now look at the Online window. The steering sensor is correct, but the OP is a temp sensor, and the OT is a pressure sensor. The WT must be correct as 48 degrees is the ambient right now.
I haven't had to touch this thing in years. Perhaps there have been changes between the RS version I had on the PC before the drive replacement and this one, but after reading the online documentation, creating a new configuration and trying to assign the correct sensor types with the same problems I'm having with my old and cloned configs, I'm completely confused.
How can I get the sensors re-configured and the online to agree with the channels window???