you have some really roughed up parts out there that you may think is junk?
Rusted up gears, gearbox internals, engine internal parts and or whatever else you can think of that may be salvageable if it had a nice shine put back on it?
Well, if not rust pitted too deeply, we may be able to help save you considerable money in replacement cost.
We've come up with a three stage process that has shown some really amazing results. Unfortunately, I've only recently started to document the results with before and after pictures. I'll have to kick the marketing guys butt over dropping the ball on that one.
Send us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses and let's see what we can do to get them back up and running.
Before and after pics of one set of many quick change gearsets we did last week for a fire breathing GT1 Camaro that the customer sent in.