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    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    Default ALL USERS MUST READ: ApexSpeed Forum Rules

    When you registered for ApexSpeed, you agreed to follow our Forum Rules. We feel that it is necessary to make sure that these are always kept visible for anyone to see at any time.

    Registration Agreement (a refresher of the original registration form you agreed to when you signed up here)
    PLEASE READ or you may not be approved for registration! We do insist that you abide by the forum rules and policies detailed below and on the forums. Because of recent spam attacks on the forums, we now require you to use your real name and insist that you fill out your real location in the required form fields. Failing to do so may result in not getting your account approved. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' check box and press the 'Register' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.

    Although the administrators and moderators of ApexSpeed will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of ApexSpeed, nor Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

    By agreeing to these rules, you warrant that you will not post any messages on the forums or through PMs that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws.

    The owners of ApexSpeed reserve the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason. Once registered for this Community, you are not able to delete your posts or account for any reason. Please join the forums knowing that what you say and post here will live on the internet indefinitely. This is YOUR responsibility.

    Over the years, we have made major efforts to keep a pretty tight control over the tone of the discussions on ApexSpeed, without altering the actual content. In more than 16 years, the results have proven themselves out with the quality of this community. Any thread that degrades into political, religious or social stone throwing will be locked immediately. It's probably best that we keep our personal views and opinions away from our hobbies, anyway.

    When it comes to specific topics of race, religion, politics, and other polarizing subjects (we all know what they are), there are plenty of other places on the internet that you can get your rocks off voicing your opinion at someone from behind your keyboard. Keep it away from ApexSpeed.

    Registration & Passwords
    Every so often, I need to remind everyone of a few forum problems that pop up with users (especially new users). Hopefully, everyone will read this...

    1) If you have LOST your password, first of all, shame on you for not changing it to something you can remember. Second, you can retrieve it yourself very easily. When attempting to log in, there is a link that says, "Forgotten your password? Click HERE. Typing your address into that page will have a password sent to your registered e-mail address. Simple. We will NOT respond to password requests or change of passwords, sorry.

    2) If you have CHANGED your e-mail, you can also change that yourself in your User Control Panel once you are logged in. Once you change your e-mail, the forum will automatically reset your password and remail it to the new address. Once you get it, log into the forums, and PLEASE CHANGE YOUR PASSWORD TO SOMETHING YOU CAN REMEMBER EASILY.

    3) If you use automated systems to filter your e-mail to only allow "approved" domains or e-mail addresses to send you mail, shut it off before you might expect e-mail from the automated forum software (password retrieval, registration, forum e-mail, etc.). We will not approve SPAM check e-mail requests. If you don't get your password, it's because of your own system blocking mail.

    4) We no longer allow e-mail addresses to be used for your account e-mails or new registration. If you are an existing member with an address, and try to change or reset your password, you will be instructed to also change your e-mail address on your account to something else. If you are new user trying to register, the forum system won't allow the registration using that address. We're sorry, but AOL brought this on themselves. We highly recommend other free e-mail providers like Gmail if you don't have another account to use.

    Ad Hominem Personal Attacks
    From this point on, we will be taking a serious stance on ad hominem attacks in the forums, for any reason. We have no problem with emotional and spirited arguments, but when the only way to argue against someone's point is to attack them personally or some other superficial reason, the offending user will be given a 10-day temporary posting ban on the forums. I don't care who it is that is guilty of the indiscretion, they will get a mandatory 10-day cooling off period without warning. Don't be the first example to everyone else.

    We need to work together to fix the problems that we all see with the system, not fight against ourselves. Nothing good is accomplished by personal attacks and flame wars. And we won't tolerate it here on ApexSpeed.

    We also do not allow threats or any abusive behavior, on the public forums or via Private Message. We take this very seriously. Any instance of bullying or threats toward another user is grounds for immediate expulsion from ApexSpeed at the Administration's discretion.

    Race Teams, Prep Shops and Driver Coaching Advertisements
    Something that we have usually overlooked in the past will be part of the ApexSpeed policy going forward. We have previously allowed postings for driving coaching, open seats and drives from prep shops or teams, but these are no longer allowed.

    Any driving coaches, prep shops or race teams that have cars available for pay-to-play drives are required to be supporting banner advertisers here on ApexSpeed in order to post those listings looking for drivers. Like any other for-profit business, a simple return to the forums for the right to post Classifieds for cash-to-drive seats will be a requirement from here on out. Any posts that violate this policy will be moved offline until that company becomes a banner advertiser.

    If you have questions about advertising or banners, see the "Advertising" link at the top of the forums, or PM Kim Carter for current rates and more information.

    Classifieds Asking Prices
    All Classified posts in all forums absolutely MUST have an asking price and contact information. This is not eBay or any other auction site, and we do not allow selling to the highest bidder. Sale transparency on the forum post is critical for open dealings and past selling values for items. All posts will remain on the forums indefinitely, as nothing is removed, so being able to use sales and asking prices for reference is important to all users. Classified posts without starting/asking prices will be removed without warning.

    Thread Bumping
    For those of you who like to "bump" your Classified threads to the tops of the forums on a regular basis, we do have a limit on how often you can do this. We don't mind you resurrecting an old thread of items to sell to bring it to the forefront of people's eyes, but bumping threads daily forces others to have to do the same to have the same visibility. What this creates is a mess of Classified posts, where the same things are always fighting to be at the top.

    These forums don't move fast enough for people to not be able to see everything 2 or 3 pages deep every few days. We're going to set a limit on thread "bumping" to 1 week/7-days as the minimum time for moving a stale Classified post to the top.

    If a moderator or admin finds that you are unnecessarily moving your post to the top of the forums too often, that post will be removed indefinitely. Multiple violations will result in a temporary and potentially permanent time-out from the forums.

    Some moderators here are driven batty by unnecessary bumping, so do so at your own risk.

    ApexSpeed Image Hosting
    We will not tolerate any linking of uploaded images to other forums or sites. Generally, this will include avatars and ad banners, as well. Again, any abuse of this feature, and that will be revoked on a per user basis. We have already seen this occur on our previous avatars in the past. If you want to use them elsewhere, go ahead, but upload them to your own server space.

    You can upload and install your own avatars. Keep it clean, and we won't have any problems. We do reserve the right to remove your avatar if we find it objectionable or in poor taste. Avatars should be 80 pixels wide x 50 pixels high. We have previously also used a 10 pixel transparent band above each existing avatar to keep them from bumping into the user information.

    Forum Post Spamming
    Please do not post threads of the same topic in multiple forums. We consider this spamming, and the duplicates will be immediately removed. Keep conversations to one forum, please. The only exception is the Vintage Classifieds, in which threads can be also duplicated in their specific class forum Classifieds. Regular abuse of this rule will result in first a temporary suspension, and then a permanent ban for the next violation.

    We will attempt to keep these rules updated and accurate and we will do our best to maintain the forums with consistent management. Know that we do not look at every thread or post on ApexSpeed, so the community must be proactive and alert the Moderators to violations of these policies. We do our best, but sometimes things can and do get missed. It's in all of our best interests to police the community and follow the rules set here.

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  3. #2
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    Are you requiring all current users to re-register with their real names?
    For instance I use dereklola but my real name is in my profile - do I need to re-register?
    And how would I do that - the "Forum Name" seems to be 'fixed"?
    Derek (dereklola)

  4. #3
    Contributing Member Steve Demeter's Avatar
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    What does ad hominem mean?

    Not being smart aleck, just do not know.

  5. #4
    Global Moderator DB4 Tim's Avatar
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    Me thinks

    short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument.

    Abusive ad hominem (also called "personal abuse" or "personal attacks") usually involves insulting or belittling an opponent in order to attack their claims or invalidate their arguments, but can also involve pointing out true character flaws or actions irrelevant to the opponent's argument. Equating someone's character with the soundness of their argument is a logical fallacy. Mere verbal abuse in the absence of an argument, however, is not ad hominem nor any kind of logical fallacy.

  6. #5
    Contributing Member marshall9's Avatar
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    My name really is Marshall and I really do live in AZ. The 9 is because I have run that number on every car I have raced for the last 15 years. Fortunately I have been able to control myself and have not been warned or banned in the 10 years I have been a member of this forum. I added my last name to my current registration, am I compliant?

    Thanks for all you guys do Doug and Merry Christmas !

  7. #6
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    No, the registration issue is for all new forum users who register from here on out. If you would like to change your username, I would be happy to do so for you, but it isn't necessary.

    The reason is simple. Since we implemented a new plug-in here on the forums a few days ago to stop this tsunami of ridiculous forum registration spams, we have had 3,504 new user accounts attempted to be created. Yes, that's 3,504 new accounts in about 6 days since we had that meltdown last week around lunchtime. For a comparison, in the 12-years since ApexSpeed has been around, we have 16,432 legitimate users. Behind the scenes here, it has been an overwhelming drain on us in many ways.

    The new software has done a really great job at weeding through the chaff, but there are a handful that slip through. And, it's getting harder for me to pinpoint exactly which new users that make it through the filters are REAL people and not SEO phishers from third-world countries. Making people use their real names and locations allows me to pick the real people out from the spammers a little easier.

    It sucks, but until we make the switch to the new vBulletin forum software sometime in early 2013, we don't have any other choice.

    As for the rest of the rules, I realized that many are in Announcements, that once read, don't really show up on the forums again, and some are int he original registration contract that you check when you started here. The rules seem to have gotten spread out around the forums and are not always intuitively found. This should help keep everyone from forgetting or claiming that they didn't know.

    Happy Holidays,


  8. #7
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    What does the new software do differently that foils the spammers?

  9. #8
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    It's tied to a single constantly evolving and growing database of known forum spam e-mails, usernames and IPs, and when it hits the system, it automatically deletes the registration. Pass through all three checks, and it winds up in my hands for a manual authorization. Before, I was doing them ALL manually. It catches 99.9% of the bad registrations now. Not sure how, exactly, but it's working.

  10. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doug Carter View Post
    Classifieds Asking Prices
    All Classified posts in all forums absolutely MUST have an asking price and contact information. This is not eBay or any other auction site, and we do not allow selling to the highest bidder. Sale transparency on the forum post is critical for open dealings and past selling values for items. All posts will remain on the forums indefinitely, as nothing is removed, so being able to use sales and asking prices for reference is important to all users. Classified posts without starting/asking prices will be removed without warning.
    I wish you could clarify this a bit.

    A classified ad ($xxx OBO) can't sell to the highest bidder?? ISTM in any multiple bid situation all sales are to the highest bidder. It seems unfair and unenforceable to limit that.

    Even though all posts "remain on the forum indefinitely", most for sale posts (of cars anyway) get edited after the sale, either entirely removing the content or at least removing the asking price. Thus the "Sale transparency ... for open dealings and past selling values" intent is not being met. There are scant posts that can be used as "sales and asking prices for reference".

    Although most forums allow "forever" editing of previous posts, one forum I'm on only allows editing of a post for a few hours, then it's "read only". I really hate that, but in the for sale section maybe you'd want to do that, to enforce the rules as stated. I do think it's valuable information that all should have.

  11. #10
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    Doug - you guys are doing an awesome job. Most people do not realize what must happen behind the scenes to make something like this run. Thank you.

  12. #11
    Contributing Member iamuwere's Avatar
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    Geez, makes me feel bad like I should donate again this week. Too much work created by bogus SEO stuff.

    The strict enforcement of the rules here makes this the ONLY forum I visit on any regular basis. It really is a wonderful community you have fostered.


    ps-Tapatalk integration is SO good.

  13. #12
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    I think it's more that it is the right amount of strict. Some forums go way overboard with strict rules, and they suck. On the other hand, we don't need it to be apexchan either.

  14. #13
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mousecatcher View Post
    I wish you could clarify this a bit.

    A classified ad ($xxx OBO) can't sell to the highest bidder?? ISTM in any multiple bid situation all sales are to the highest bidder. It seems unfair and unenforceable to limit that.

    Even though all posts "remain on the forum indefinitely", most for sale posts (of cars anyway) get edited after the sale, either entirely removing the content or at least removing the asking price. Thus the "Sale transparency ... for open dealings and past selling values" intent is not being met. There are scant posts that can be used as "sales and asking prices for reference".

    Although most forums allow "forever" editing of previous posts, one forum I'm on only allows editing of a post for a few hours, then it's "read only". I really hate that, but in the for sale section maybe you'd want to do that, to enforce the rules as stated. I do think it's valuable information that all should have.

    Basically what I mean with this is that all classified posts should be priced so that everyone can see the scope of the purchase. I have managed multiple forums and seen this particular deal happen at least once on every one--a guy lists something with no price, says, "make me an offer," and then proceeds to lie to each person interested in the item with false prices, inflated numbers and imaginary "bidders" in PMs. Plus, it's not fair to the buyer to not know what the seller thinks the item is worth to sell. Is it $30, $300, $3,000 or $30,000? It's always worked better for the seller to put the target out there for everyone and then you can negotiate from there. Keeping the price out there for everyone to see not only keeps the deal at least somewhat open, but when it is sold (and they go back and mark it as such), the price is a good yardstick for the next person who needs to sell the same item.

    That's a long-winded way of saying, list an asking price, mark the item SOLD when it's gone, and enjoy using the greatest second-hand market resource for purpose-built race cars in North America.

    Now, if everything works as it is supposed to in 2013, we will have a completely different system for Classifieds that will remove the entire forum post process. It's one of my target goals this year to have an integrated Classified component in ApexSpeed that will change the way they are used here.

  15. #14
    Senior Member Beartrax's Avatar
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    Doug, Thank you for all the work you & the mods do behind the scenes to keep this a useful, informative and entertaining resource.
    "I love the smell of race fuel in the morning. It smells like victory!"
    Barry Wilcock
    Pit Crew: Tumenas Motorsports/Houndspeed, Fat Boy Racing

  16. #15
    Senior Member Michael Lensen's Avatar
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    whenever I click on a "moved" post a window comes up stating my name and that I can't access that post.
    I don't understand why that is, can you please inform me.

    And thank you for making all this possible.
    Michael Lensen

  17. #16
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    Can you be specific about which posts are giving you that message?

  18. #17
    Contributing Member Jonathan Hirst's Avatar
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    1980 Crossle 40 in FF For Sale section was moved. Clicking on the subject I am directed to a page indicating I do not have permission to view the page. This is not a new issue.
    It never bothered me too much but as you asked for an example....


    Redirct to:

    Jonathan Hirst, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

    Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
    If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.
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  19. #18
    Senior Member BURKY's Avatar
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    The Crossle thread was moved because of not having a price.

  20. #19
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BURKY View Post
    The Crossle thread was moved because of not having a price.

    We have an offline forum used just for transferring threads that break one of the rules of the forum, such as a classified that refuses to list an asking price. Mods here will give a user a minimum of 24 hours (sometimes more) to update their ad with a price before moving it offline. NOTHING on ApexSpeed is ever deleted—it's always moved or at least toggled so that you can't see it.

    When you get an error like that one above, it's because the thread was put in a place that you can't access.

  21. #20
    Senior Member Michael Lensen's Avatar
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    For example a "moved" ad in F1000 by LeeMajors "GSXR1000 engine" sometime between March 15 and 29. I clicked on it and it gave me the message that I have no permission to access it.
    Just wondering why.

  22. #21
    Senior Member Michael Lensen's Avatar
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    Doug, one more,
    Yet when I clicked on ShaneO's "moved" ad for a "Stohr1000" which ran between Jan 28 and Feb 9 (also in F1000 btw) I was able to open that one.

  23. #22
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    Both threads were in violation of forum rules and were moved to a forum that you can't access. We normally don't leave tracers for threads like that, so you normally aren't able to see them or click on them. That has been fixed.

  24. #23
    Senior Member Michael Lensen's Avatar
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    Thank you for the clarification.

  25. #24
    Contributing Member Jonathan Hirst's Avatar
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    Thanks Burky and Doug, that makes sense as you have explained it - the error message however indicates the issue is with my account, not the original poster.

    Mystery solved !

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  26. #25
    Administrator dc's Avatar
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    It's been a while and it seems as though lately we are in need of a refresher. Please do take time to re-read the forum rules here for acceptable behavior.

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