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Thread: Rilltech

  1. #1
    Senior Member sidney's Avatar
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    Default Rilltech

    I have to give two big thumbs up to Mr. Cottrill and the guys at Rilltech Racing. We have had nothing but problems running the car the entire summer of 2010. I called Richard on the phone shortly before Christmas, set a date to get the car on his dyno and he did some troubleshooting over a couple of days. Isolated some issues with loose pins on the ECU and a POS tip-over switch. We look forward to running trouble-free this spring. If you are on the eastern slope of CO with a bike engine, I'd recommend sending it to Rilltech.

    My biggest problem now is I need to get my license back and my crew will be in Europe during the spring driver's school at LaJunta and Mid America. What a PITA!
    Ian MacLeod
    "Happy Hour: 5:00 - 5:30"
    Tatuus F1k

  2. #2
    Global Moderator Mike B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidney View Post
    My biggest problem now is I need to get my license back and my crew will be in Europe during the spring driver's school at LaJunta and Mid America. What a PITA!
    Can you make your way to the D.S. at Blackhawk at the end of April?
    Mike Beauchamp
    RF95 Prototype 2

    Get your FIA rain lights here:

  3. #3
    Senior Member brownslane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sidney View Post
    I have to give two big thumbs up to Mr. Cottrill and the guys at Rilltech Racing. We have had nothing but problems running the car the entire summer of 2010. I called Richard on the phone shortly before Christmas, set a date to get the car on his dyno and he did some troubleshooting over a couple of days. Isolated some issues with loose pins on the ECU and a POS tip-over switch. We look forward to running trouble-free this spring. If you are on the eastern slope of CO with a bike engine, I'd recommend sending it to Rilltech.

    My biggest problem now is I need to get my license back and my crew will be in Europe during the spring driver's school at LaJunta and Mid America. What a PITA!
    I am pleased to hear that Mr. Cottrill is still working hard to make his customers happy. I had experienced a challenging time with him but he is now making it right. Sometimes things happen and we all need to work together to resolve them. At this time it appears that my problem is being resolved.
    Last edited by brownslane; 02.01.11 at 3:29 PM. Reason: Good Faith
    Tom Owen
    Owner - Browns Lane and

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    I am the person who took sidney's car to Rilltech over the weekend. Richard spent over six hours on his dyno sorting out electrical/harness problems that I had caused building the car. I got several phone calls while he was working on it and a full review when I picked it up on Monday. We had been chasing these troubles for a couple of years. He doesn't seem anything like a guy who would do the things mentioned in the previous post. As in all things, everyone's mileage will vary, but we are very pleased so far---John MacLeod

  5. #5
    Senior Member brownslane's Avatar
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    Default It is all True

    That is why I was so shocked at the treatment I had received. I had heard generally good things about the guy, some of his engines were at the front of the grid, even the guy I bought the motor from used him. I figured I was in a no-lose situation. And I got totally screwed.

    Jake Latham used Richard last year. Richard built three or four motors for Jake. They all blew up or seized in the first or second outing. Jake is just down the road from Rilltech and was the guy who had recommended Richard to me. Well, Jake finally gave up on Richard, and sent a motor to George Dean, who built him another motor to the same spec (oil pan, sump setup, etc)
    You can choose whoever you want to do your work. I did. But ya can't fool me twice!

    Take a look at the runoffs entries for 2010 in DSR. How many Rilltech engines were there? Only one. A trial turbo motor. It was pulled out of the car before the race. All the guys who used to use Richard Cottrill have run far away. There has to be a reason for that.
    Last edited by brownslane; 02.02.11 at 10:18 PM. Reason: more polite
    Tom Owen
    Owner - Browns Lane and

  6. #6
    Senior Member sidney's Avatar
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    Default Woha, I'm Sorry My Experience Was Not the Same

    I understand that everyone's experience will be different. His shop was full of cars and he worked us into the schedule our our timeline. I was simply trying to give a picture of our experience. I have also recently come to understand through events in my personal life that nothing happens in a vacuum. There are always two sides to every story and usually the truth is somewhere in the middle. Venting negative energy thorugh a bunch of bits on a screen has never given me the results I wanted.

    I'd also suggest that if you felt my father was calling you a liar, you obviously don't know him and read wwwwaaaaaaayyyyyyy too much into his post. I'm glad our experience was a positive one, sorry yours was not and hope for success for all parties involved in the future. Relax, have a beer and enjoy the weekend.
    Ian MacLeod
    "Happy Hour: 5:00 - 5:30"
    Tatuus F1k

  7. #7
    Senior Member brownslane's Avatar
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    Default Coolio

    I am cool, man. No worries

    All dark clouds have a silver lining. I got a Radical for 10% of new and you got great service.

    I'll hoist a glass just for you!

    Last edited by brownslane; 02.01.11 at 3:34 PM. Reason: Polite
    Tom Owen
    Owner - Browns Lane and

  8. #8
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    Just wanted to add my positive experience with no attempt to minimize the frustration others have had.
    I know Jake and his situation first-hand - been at his trailer with him for his blown motor. I don't know Mr. Owen.
    However, I was a client of Richard and Rilltech for a couple of years while running my CBR-powered one-off formula car and had a very successful experience.
    I was consistently pleased with the service and help I got from Rilltech. I would use them again and would recommend them.

  9. #9
    Senior Member brownslane's Avatar
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    Default Why do I even try?

    If you notice, I actually removed most of the "bad stuff" in my previous posts about Rilltech. This is because, after this most recent post, I had been approached by Richard through a third party who I respect, to ask me to negotiate a "truce". In my subsequent contacts via telephone and email I was led to beilieve that, finally, I would be at least partly compensated for the over $5,000 I paid for a rebuild of a motor that was junk before I even turned the motor over. This was based on the terrible condition that I got the motor in and a number of promises that were paid for, but not met (like a dyno run, new valves and new rings/bearings invoiced but not installed) I had to immediately rebuild the "rebuilt" engine!

    In reality as I had shipped the engine across the country twice to destinations and twice back, and (of course!) had to pay for rings, bearings, all new valves, gaskets etc) that I had previously paid Rilltech for, I actually had over $10,000 invested in a 2003 R-1!! Not a good deal. Would YOU be happy?

    In good faith, I had agreed to withdraw my previous posts, and I had hoped to be able to post some good news, in that I would have received partial compensation and that Rilltech was a decent supplier who tries hard to satisfy customers.

    Well, the negotiations did not go well. Once I removed the posts, I was offerred $136.00 for my trouble. Richard advised me that he wanted to compensate me for the $600 I paid for shipping and crating only to have the engine shipped collect (ya, that sucks, doesn't it) for another $400.00 or so. And there was no crate...It was shipped in the plastic bin that it was delivered to him in.

    Well, I guess by this post you know what happened. I also was threatened that some of "his customers" were angry and were going to take things into their own hands? I don't like being vaguely threatened....

    No BS. I have the emails if anybody is interested.

    This is too bizarre for words! If this was a TV script, nobody would buy it because it is too bizarre.

    There was a long litany of things that happened, from the collect shipping, to $90 for cleaning out one of those Pegasus oil tanks (you the ones that come apart in 30 seconds?) to cutting my header in half right through the collector when it did not fit in the the engine being shipped with no plugs in any of the oil passages, cylinder head, intake or exhaust ports...and the crate was NOT very you imagine what it looked like. But the final straw was that the engine would not hold just leaked all over the floor!

    So, to the posters who had good luck with Richard, I say congrats! He must really be a knowledgeable guy and will do his best if you are there watching over him. For me, I am not sure whether he was going through a rough financial patch (so he charges for things not provided) or that he honestly wanted to put the boots to me; no matter.

    This guy cannot be trusted, I guess is all I will end with. Even when I tried (again!) to bargain in good faith and remove my negative post so he could safely deal with me, no good.

    Another lie from a guy who has been lying to a lot of people over time.

    Really sad!

    So, on to new topics! What is YOUR favourite for the Super Bowl? ....

    Best to all,
    Last edited by brownslane; 02.03.11 at 6:24 PM. Reason: correction
    Tom Owen
    Owner - Browns Lane and

  10. #10
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    Sorry I missed the unedited thread!!

  11. #11
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    Default Rilltech Negativity

    HI All,
    I wanted to post a reply to this thread as it has been brought to my attention that my name has been used to bash Rilltech. I purchased my Radical SR4 through Rilltech's shop and Richard and crew continued to iron out the car and develop it with me for CSR class racing. My overall impression is positive of Rilltech and Richard in general. At the time of my crash and doing cartwheels in my SR4 Richard was not involved in my race prep as I could not afford to use his services . I assure anyone out there that if Rilltech had been race prepping my Radical at the time of the crash I would still have that car today and still be smiling driving it! The brake failure that led to my crash was due to my negligence and neglect of not checking the pads or servicing the car in general. I had just spent quite a bit of money refreshing the engine, new fuel pumps, fuel cells, all new paint and body work, etc. and let me tell you Richard's engine work is EXCELLENT! After the refresh the engine was so strong and had a lot more power, so the money was well spent. The first year I got the car I self taught myself how to drive it and put on over 90 hours of track time at PPIR alone and then went on to race it the following year and then had a refresh performed. That kind of durability shows that Richard clearly knows what he is doing with the Hayabusa motor and that's a fact.

    Joe Weathers
    Race car-less (for now)

  12. #12
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    Hi All -

    As with Joe, I just noticed that I'd been dragged into this too.

    Tom, I realize that you're not happy with Rilltech, but I don't appreciate being used as a pick for expressing your displeasure. I'm on good terms with both you and Richard, and I'd like to keep it that way. Knowing the both of you, and having heard both perspectives, I have a hard time reconciling the accusations with the guys I know.

    Apropos to the thread, Richard's always been fair and friendly to me, and has helped me out of some tight spots at the track, as well as helping me out quite a bit at his shop. He'll have my car in a few days for a new header, in fact.

    Apropos to the engines specifically, it's true that in 2008-9 my car ate four motors all in 1-2 weekends before I finally found and solved a problem with the oil lines. Only one was a Rilltech built motor, the other he'd simply installed a pan and a pump on a stock 0 mile Suzuki, and the other two came from somewhere else before I had the car.

    After the second motor of mine let go, you bet I was frustrated, so Richard and I took apart the failed motor together, found the failure, which ultimately led me to replace the oil lines and fittings.


  13. #13
    Senior Member brownslane's Avatar
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    Default Pressure

    Jake, sorry you have been brought in to this as well. It is funny that you never mentioned the great service you got from Richard in your numerous blogs about the failures. Just that you had experinced numerous failures on engines that Richard had serviced...I obviously read too much into it, especially given my experience with the man.

    I also understand your predicament, Jake. Richard is your customer for your web services, is he not?

    Joe, accept my apology!

    Don't worry, you will never be mentioned again. It is unfortunate that you could have not contacted me off line to discuss this, I now understand that I have offended you.

    I will never mention your names ever again.
    Last edited by brownslane; 02.08.11 at 7:15 PM. Reason: correction
    Tom Owen
    Owner - Browns Lane and

  14. #14
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    Take a look at the runoffs entries for 2010 in DSR. How many Rilltech engines were there? Only one. A trial turbo motor. It was pulled out of the car before the race.

    I am the owner of the turbo motor. Your facts regarding it are incorrect. Any problems related to the turbo motor are technical in nature and should not be used as judgement regarding Rilltech's work.


    Rilltech has built my engines since 2006 and will continue in that capacity in the future. I have not had any issues with his quality of work or his work ethic.

    I have used Richard for track side support and found him quite willing to help others in need. After he is done helping me of course.

    Tom Bootz

  15. #15
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    Default Surrender!

    Peace on earth!

    Let me apologize for ever mentioning anybody else's name in my posts MY BAD!!!

    I see Richard has marshalled the troops! And I AM WRONG in mentioning anybody else's names.

    Tom Bootz is heavily invested in getting the 670 cc turbo motor to actually work and run; this is NOT an easy thing to do. I believe that 2010 was the third year at the runoffs and that the engine is not yet ready. Tom, you have the patience of Job to continue what must be not only a huge effort, but also one of incredible expense; I would not be able to sustain the effort you have done. Hats off to you, and I never meant to speak about your effort in a derogatory sense. If I have offended, I apologize to you.

    Jake is a nice guy and caught in the middle as is Joe. Jake had blogged a lot about his engine problems last summer and did state that Rilltech was the engine builder. I (obviously) misunderstood that the fault was not Rilltechs...frankly after four engine failures I would be looking for somebody to blame! I guess Richard did not find the oiling system problem for a while. My bad!

    Joe's car was maintained by Rilltech. My understanding was that the catastrohic failure, a result of brake failure, was the result of poor workmanship by Rilltech. Apparently that was not the case.

    And I see that these posts were made directly after I identified that I was taking Rilltech to court...this notification being made to Rilltech late yesterday. Otherwise why would two brand new posters join today just to post about Rilltech?

    Sorry, but them's the facts.

    Bottom line is that I got treated really poorly, and have little recourse but to identify it to other prospective customers.

    I am NOT going to waste everybody's time with this any more on this forum...this is just too negative and I feel sick to my stomach. This also forced two fellows that I had called friends to make a choice. That really is too bad...

    So, PEACE OUT!!!

    ...with apologies to all

    Tom Owen
    Owner - Browns Lane and

  16. #16
    Senior Member JohnPaul's Avatar
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    I'm another happy customer of Rilltech. He's done the right thing by me a bunch of times. The only gripe I have is that I can't understand a word Richard is saying half the time! (only joking)

  17. #17
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    I have not had any issues with Rilltech's honesty. They have been very fair to me and cannot see Richard not trying to work things out with you. He is just not that kind of guy. He wants to make a living doing what he loves and I have never seen anything close to suspect on the way he conducts his business.

    I have a feeling you and him have some serious misunderstanding on what was expected in the deal. Too bad you could not work it out between the both of you w/o an attorney.

    J.R. Osborne

  18. #18
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    Default Rilltech supporter

    Hello all,

    I would have to count myself among Rilltech’s other supporters here, Richard has been running cars in c-sport and Radical Cup for me and another friend of mine since 2008 and we have nothing but good things to say. Zero DNFs for us over that period, and many good results, including an enduro win on a hot day when equipment was really tested.

    I am not a mechanic and don’t pretend to be one in my limited spare time, so I have the Rilltech guys do all of my motor work and other work on the car. I just show up and drive, and do my best to stay out of their way when they are working. These guys have a flawless record with us. The only time things have broken the root cause can be pointed back to the driver.

    Quick story. I had Rilltech build me a trick new 1400 Hayabusa and we installed the full up/down flatshifter system on the car. So the first time out on test day I’m headed down the longest straight and for whatever bonehead reason I paddle down instead of up into 6th and I really, really zing the motor. I pull off and drive up to Richard in the paddock. He asks why I’m coming in, and I sheepishly tell him I downchanged by accident and he shoots a disapproving look but otherwise reserves his thoughts to himself. (I didn’t have the heart to tell him I actually went down at least two gears instead of up into 6th before getting the clutch in.) Anyway he does a quick listen to the motor and a leakdown, and can’t find anything obviously wrong, so I decide to run it for the weekend. The motor ran flawlessly that whole weekend, and the next week I own up and tell him we ought to take a closer look inside. Turns out I tweaked a few parts here and there but it looks surprisingly good inside. I have been running the same motor now for the past two seasons with no issues. Knock wood its been bulletproof so far. Given this track record I think Richard’s work for us speaks for itself. Furthermore, as to Richard’s fairness I would say this. After that weekend he assessed the damage and gave me options. Its not like he said oh yeah, got to replace it all to pad up his invoice. I decided to keep some parts that I could have replaced, so I ended up saving money since the equipment still works to this day.

    I understand some on this board are fans of other builders and race prep shops, and in my praise of Richard I mean no disrespect to any of them for helping their customers achieve their ambitions. But from my experience Richard and the other folks at Rilltech are some of the good guys and I hate to see them drug around in the dirt like this in public. They have always done good work for me, treated me fairly, and are extraordinarily hard working. What I have personally witnessed is a group of guys who are always there at the track before me, there after I leave, and who generously lend a hand throughout the day to many others who aren’t footing the bill. Based on my positive experience I would definitely recommend Rilltech to others.

    Rob Adams

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