I would like to take this opportunity to especially thank Steve Beeler for all of the efforts that he has extended to make the series successful. To be able to compete in a formula ford series has been a dream of mine that took 40 years to realize. And that the EWC was that series is a stroke of good fortune for me. The competors in FF and CFF are absolutely the greatest people on the planet and I am honored to have made their aquantance. So many times in the past two seasons when I had problems and thought I would have to load up and go home. But you guys came forward and made sure that I was back on the track. (And those of you who know me understand that I was the moving chicane to create additional interest for you to avoid/pass). Just look at the entry list of the events and the names are all there of those of you who offered assistance, advice and most of all COMPLIMENTS, it always was rewarding to hear a compliment from you, because I certainly was trying my best. But with a limited budget and talent and having seen the effects of what can happen when things do go wrong, I think that I probably have been pretty lucky with racing at the comfort level I was at. AND...(Are you really racing if you are driving at a comfort level)??? At Blackhawk, Marc Blanc sat down with me and offered advice that gained me three seconds, that was fun. Each year I have been able to improve on my lap times, but now, DAMN.... those corners are coming up faster than I remember. So, all in all I've had the greatest experience of my life, and also speaking for my pal Ron Halm that hauled me around for the last two years.....THANK YOU.