Hi all,

With the new forums comes just about everything from the old board, with a LOT of new features, a new layout, and a very new breakdown of all of the classes included in the overall forums (possibly with more to come in the future). We need some help staying on top of everything on the board, so that we may divert a bit of our attention to building other aspects of the site.

Because of the nature of this board and the phenomonal behavior of the community, moderation on these forums has been a relatively simple task. In the past 4 years, most of the overseeing of the forums has been done by myself and Keith, with a small task force of moderators who would alert me to issues on the forums, if there ever were any.

We are going to approach moderating a bit differently from this point outward, and take a bit of a different attitude toward how the forums are maintained and kept. With the new boards, we are wiping the slate clean, and starting over from scratch with the moderating policies and the administration communicates 'behind the scenes.' A more structured system will be in place for moderators to follow, and not have to rely so heavily on myself and Keith.

We will have still, 2 main Administrators of this board, which are myself, and my brother Keith. This seems to be working, so I don't think we need to change that. In the outter 4 divisions of this site, we would like 1 main moderator for each of those sections (i.e. a main moderator for each FF, FC, FA and FS). We will be accepting volunteers for each of these positions. These individuals must be on the boards on a regular basis, and have a pretty good background with the attitudes and atmosphere of this community. All volunteers who would like to be a part of the forum administration should send an e-mail to info@apexspeed.com with your username, real name, class/forum you would like to moderate in and any experience you may previously have had (if any) in maintenance of online communities. We will select one person for each class, and they will be given moderator priveledges on the forums to help keep things tidy. All previous moderators are invited to submit, as we didn't want to demote anyone, so we started from scratch and removed everyone.

Pay is terrible, hours are bad and the boss is a jackass, but you get a really cool user title and a password to the bitchin' "secret" forums.
