The 60th Birthday of FV is coming in 2023 It's not too early to think about a Celebration event. We have had good events starting with the 20th in 1983 every 5 years thru the 50th. The 55th was kind of broken up by several events put on by different groups around the country. If there is to be truly unified 60th event that enjoys national support among all the various series of booth current and vintage vee it needs to get started soon. Lots of questions exist like what time of year is best, what part of the country is best, can we find a partner to make room in there schedule for at least two race groups (current nad vintage vees) . There are a lot of different Vee groups around the country and they would all need to be on board if its to be a trulme y unified event.
If you have any ideas or comments please post them here or email me.