In early 2003, the GT Advisory Committee presented wording to the Board of Directors to place the advisory committees in the GCR and to give them the responsibility to review and make decisions on all member requests within their area of expertise. [In summary, the advisory committees would become small competition boards staffed with active experts in their field. The Club Racing Board would staff and manage these advisory committees with vision coming from the Board of Direstors.]

I am now making the request available as a petition. I am looking for signature gatherers in all areas of the country.

To request a copy of the proposed changes as a petition, e-mail me at Thanks, Peter

1) [Insert] GCR Advisory Committees:

The SCCA Club Racing Advisory Committees are established in specific areas of Club Racing and shall be the principle advisory board to the Club Racing Board within their area of responsibility. (i.e., GT; Production; Formula/Sport Racer; Touring; Improved Touring; AS; Safety). Each Advisory Committee will be responsible for reviewing requests within it’s area of responsibility and to submit recommended changes to the Club Racing Board.

The number of Advisory Committees and the size of each committee is determined by the Club Racing Board. One member of each Advisory Committee shall be a member of the Club Racing Board. The Club Racing Board will appoint additional members to each Advisory Committee based on their working knowledge of subject matter specific to that Advisory Committee’s area of responsibility.

The Advisory committees will meet monthly via conference call; in person; or by electronic media. The Advisory committees are encouraged to record meeting minutes.

2) [Change] GCR 2.2.7 Club Racing Board to the following:

The SCCA Club Racing Club Racing Board is responsible for the rules and standards for the scheduling, organization, and conduct of SCCA-sanctioned Club Racing events, and the licensing of drivers and officials. The Club Racing Board supervises the execution of these rules and standards.

The Club Racing Board is responsible for the establishment of; staffing appointments to; management of; and guidance of; Advisory Committees. The number of Advisory committees and their area of responsibility are determined by the Club Racing Board.