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  1. #1
    Global Moderator Mike B's Avatar
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    Default 2013 Championship Planning

    [FONT=Arial] Even though the 2012 Mystt F1000 National Championship has yet to be decided, it’s time to start planning for 2013 and continuing the growth we experienced through 2011. As I see it, there are two possible paths to increasing interest in F1000 and growing participation. One path is to create an independent pro series run in conjunction with a reputable, well-established professional group. The second is to create a “pro” series within SCCA Club Racing that focuses on 4 or 5 double nationals at exciting tracks and high-profile events, possibly even paying additional fees to ensure a Formula 1000-only run group. At this point, I would like to get everyone’s input on the pros and cons of either and gauge the level of interest and commitment to either option.

    Pro Series run with an established series
    • Sanctioned by SCCA Pro
    • F1000-only run group
    • Possible live T&S and live audio
    • Consistent race staff (same people at every event)
    • Total control over race operations
    • Considered more of a stepping stone than Club Racing

    • likely higher entry cost than club racing
    • finishes don’t count toward Runoffs entry

    Series run within Club Racing
    • Finishes would count toward Runoffs qualification
    • Cost the same as National race entry
    • Possible individual run groups (would mean added cost)
    • No need for additional race staff (would use region staffing)

    • Individual run group could add to the cost
    • Less control over race operations (we would be at the mercy of the Chief Steward, which would be different at each race)
    • Slightly less flexibility in scheduling

    Please note that only exploratory discussions have been held regarding either of these paths, nothing has been decided at this point. The direction that the 2013 F1000 National Championship takes will depend on which option has more support from the F1000 community. That’s why I’m asking for your feedback now.
    I realize that there will be plenty of public discussion here but I would like to hear comments privately if you don't want your opinions made public. Please feel free to contact me via e-mail or phone.

    Mike Beauchamp
    RF95 Prototype 2

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  2. #2
    Contributing Member Jnovak's Avatar
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    My first choice is to have the races as part of club racing. IMO the class is not mature enough to support a separate pro series as this would dramatically reduce national numbers. Not a good thing at this time.

    Thanks ... Jay Novak

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnovak View Post
    My first choice is to have the races as part of club racing. IMO the class is not mature enough to support a separate pro series as this would dramatically reduce national numbers. Not a good thing at this time.

    Thanks ... Jay Novak
    I would add my vote to Jay's position.

    In the lead up to John Lewis's FB pro series, I did not get a single inquire about a new car nor did Brandon. What does that say about the market for a separate pro series?

    I (Citation Formula Cars) was one of the manufacturers involved in getting SCCA to reformulate FC to a class for F2000 cars. For the run offs in the last year of the old FC (which included water cooled FSV) we raised enough money so that the winner of the F2000 race within FC had the best purse of any class at the run offs that year. Maybe we should try to do that again for FB.
    Last edited by S Lathrop; 08.12.12 at 8:58 PM.

  4. #4
    member Brett Lane's Avatar
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    Default agreed

    I agree with Jay as well. Run with some higher profile Double Nationals(Sebring, Road Atlanta), then possibly one East-West shootout with a seperate run group at a location like Mid Ohio. End the season with the chamlionship at the runoffs. Just thinkin'...

  5. #5
    Senior Member JohnPaul's Avatar
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    Lewis' series had a very good car count so I think anything you decide would work.

    Separate races at Nationals would be pretty awesome. Even if people had to pay more, I think it would be a major attraction to stir up the class bringing out more competition. Like Brett said the Major event would be cool: Sebring, Atlanta, VIR etc. but the ultimately the best events would be:
    1) events in the regions where they would allow a separate FB race
    2) events closest to the majority of FB racers that would commit to racing in the series.

    It would be cool to run with a "pro" series but at the end of the day it would probably be best to be within the SCCA national events.

    Either way, it would be pretty cool.

  6. #6

    Default 2013

    There is no doubt, the Formula 1000 Championship Series ran into financial difficulty in 2012 with its financial backers pulling out, which made it impossible to payout the posted prize fund. It was unexpected. Is it my fault that I didn’t get their support in writing? Sure, I’ll take the blame for taking someone at their word. But as anyone knows, a contract is only as good as those signing it. If they didn’t pay, it would be a lengthy court battle and we still wouldn’t have been able to pay out the prize fund. I am working hard to get this corrected. The prize fund for 2013 is being restructured to be at a sustainable level without the need of financial backers. Securing a Title Sponsor will enable us to increase the prize fund and possibly bring back the Tow Fund, but I don’t want to promise something we can’t deliver on what we currently have in place. Other than the prize/tow money problems of early 2012, I don’t believe that you will find one driver who participated in the Series’ first two events to say they were not run well. As a matter of fact I think you will find that they all enjoyed these events and would like to see the events themselves continue in the way they were run. I think it’s time for everyone to focus on the Series future and let the Series get on with the business of making it (2012 prize money) right and start supporting the future of F1000 through our already established series.

    A new Series is not the answer. As a matter of fact, a new Series sanctioned by SCCA Pro Racing isn’t even an option. Formula 1000 Championship Series, Inc. has the sanctioning Agreement with SCCA Pro Racing and no other Pro F1000 Series on the east coast is even possible. Just as I couldn't run an F1600, 2000 or Atlantic series sanctioned by SCCA Pro Racing. I don’t understand why Mike B is misleading people by portraying that he even has that option.

    The answer is for everyone to get behind the Formula 1000 Championship Series and support it, not tear it down. Whether you like me personally or not (most of you have never even met me and simply go by other’s comments) is not the question. It’s whether or not you want to see F1000 succeed. Where were Mike B and Mystt Vodka when we were getting the Series up and running? Where was their support? I talked with Mike several times to be involved, but he chose not to. Maybe if those who are really interested in F1000 got behind the Series, come up with constructive suggestions, work to make it the biggest it can be, then it can prosper. It’s not easy trying to organize it all by myself. Certainly tearing down an already established Series is not the answer.

    I’m not some rich guy on a whim. I’ve made my living in motorsports for the last 25 years. I didn’t stay in this business by ripping people off. Sure we all get hit with difficulties along the way, but its how we deal with it that matters. There have been times along the way when I’ve lost funding from sponsors, etc. But I have always taken care of my debts. Sometimes later than I had hoped, but always taken care of it in the end. Like I said, I’m not a rich man. If I were it would be easy for me to just take it out of my own pocket and payout the prize money, but I can’t. I had a vision that F1000 can be the real stepping stone to higher level racing. I still believe that. I’ve spent my own time and money (everything that I have) since April of 2011 putting this Championship together and have not taken one dime out of it personally. Do we have lots of sponsors? Yes, and if any of you have had business in putting sponsorship deals together, you know it’s probably one of the most difficult things to do in auto racing. Almost all of our sponsors are product deals, not cash. I’m still chasing the elusive Title Sponsor, but all the negativity on here doesn’t help. In most cases, it’s the use of products that are required to run a series properly, others its prizes or contingency awards for our drivers. Most of the products (cars, trailers, scales, etc.) are not given to us to keep. But, they significantly reduce the upfront costs of buying equipment to run the Series, so there is a great value to their support and it could not have been done without them. But I’m not sitting on a boat load of cash from our supporting companies. Show me another junior league series that has over 20 companies supporting it. We have a lot of support, but now the Series needs your support.

    I have to ask you. What have YOU done lately to help make the Formula 1000 Championship Series succeed? What have you done to make this Series the best it can be? Ask yourself, What can you do to make the Formula 1000 Championship Series everything you would like it to be. Maybe by answering those questions honestly you can understand that some new magical series is not the answer.

    To respond to some of the pros and cons posted by Mike B in regards to a Pro Series. Higher entry fees are not just likely, they are inevitable. You have sanctioning fees, track fees, personnel costs, etc. A lot more costs than just running at SCCA club events. The only way you can get around higher entry fees are if you have a BIG cash sponsor. Nothing I see in any of the other junior league series out there. In 2013, the Formula 1000 Championship Series will run at two SCCA Double National events in addition to other high-profile events on the professional calendar. This will enable our drivers to get in four national races towards the Runoffs, but also enables teams to be able to sell sponsorship for participating at higher-level spectator events.

    In 2013, the Formula 1000 Championship Series will add another class to its Series. This will significantly increase the car counts and make it more financially viable to be at high profile events. More information on this will be coming soon, and NO its not Formula Atlantic. I have no desire to even try and take anything away from any of Mike Rand's series, I'm not like that. He runs a great program and I commend him on what he's achieved. There is nothing wrong with the Formula 1000 Championship Series that money can’t fix. We need the support of a Title Sponsor or a Secure financial backer to really put this Series in the record books. But, it also takes the support of everyone interested in F1000.

    There appears to be two camps in the F1000 class. Those that want club racing and those that want a pro series. I say why not both? Rules that enable drivers to do either or both if they choose. I think Mike’s Mystt F1000 National Championship is a great thing for club racers. I don’t know why he didn’t keep it up this year. There’s no reason why you can’t run a strong championship within club racing leading up to the Runoffs. There is room for both, an amateur and a Pro Championship.

    Like me or not, I’m not the bad guy here. I had a vision of a high profile F1000 Series. Have I made mistakes along the way? Yes I have. Who of us here haven’t? It’s not easy starting a new Series from scratch. Have I been over zealous in promoting the Series? Probably, but I’m a promoter, it’s what we do. Sometimes things don’t come out as planned, but my intentions were always good. What I am asking is that you put personal differences aside and work with me to make this Series everything we all would like to see it become. It’s the only way this class is ever going to gain in stature. Thank you.
    Last edited by F1000champ; 08.13.12 at 10:51 AM.

  7. #7
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    Jon -

    I think you'd do well to do some homework on who this "Mike B" character is and his history in F1000 before you go tearing him down.

    Mike -

    I'm also in favor of a series integrated with the SCCA. I like the model that Thomas et. al are following in the West Coast series.

    Thanks for your hard work.


  8. #8



    I'm not tearing him down. Mike does a great job at what he does. He's just a little misleading in his post and he wasn't there to help support the Series at all. Mike has every right to do his own thing and so does Mysst.

    Last edited by F1000champ; 08.13.12 at 11:17 AM.

  9. #9
    member Brett Lane's Avatar
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    Not sure what you are talking about. I don't see any personal attacks, or bad mouthing anywhere here. Mike B is simply resurrecting something he was doing before you came along. I, along with just about every other National driver entered his series for $100. Just about everyone got more than their money back in cash and prizes. It was run with National races, so no one had to come up with any additional funds.

    I'm just guessing, but the most likely reason he didn't do anything this year is because most of the heavy hitters skipped the Nationals they did last year to run in your series, which bythe way, really hurt National numbers across the board. One example- Sebring in 2011 had 5 entries. 2012, there were two. I was one of them.

    Again, nobody is bad mouthing you here- at least on this thread. Mike B was doing his thing albeit on a much smaller level within SCCA Nationals just as you are trying do now way before you showed up. And it was, in my opinion pretty succesful. The only negativity I see is your feelings toward everyone who didn't participate in your series.

    I really wanted to, but boy am I glad I didn't. As I told you before, my funds are extremely limited. I am relieved not having to explain to my wife and kids how I spent their money trying to be a professional race car driver. That is the way they would see it. I have a hard enough time making it to club races, and will cotinue to do so until people start taking the fun out of it.


    Brett Lane

  10. #10



    I'm not saying anyone is bad mouthing me on this thread. I'm merely pointing out that there isn't the option of a separate Pro series run by Mike with SCCA Pro sanctioning. As I said in my post, what Mike has done with the Mystt F1000 National Championship is great. I think he should expand on that. There seems to be a lot of club racers that would participate. Pro Racing is not for everyone. I understand your financial constraints as with many others. But, you can't take away from those who want a Pro series either. I think there is a place for both. I hope Mike grows his Championship bigger. It's a great place for SCCA club guys to be. I think an SCCA National based program with a finale at the Runoffs is perfect.

    I have no ill feelings for those who didn't support the Series. I have no ill feelings towards Mike either. I understand that there are many out there who simply can't afford to run a pro series, or maybe even don't want to. That's OK with me. My only concern is to those who do.

    I'm curious however, of the 5 entrants in the 2011 Sebring Nationals, how many of them raced in our series instead of Sebring in 2012?

  11. #11
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    I'm sure the F1kCS exclusivity agreement with SCCA Pro Racing is contingent on the fees being paid. Therefore, there is definitely the possibility of Mike B having an SCCA Pro Racing sanctioned series for F1000 cars.

  12. #12


    Let's get back to the purpose of this thread.

    What would everyone like to see from Mike's Championship?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post

    I don’t understand why Mike B is misleading people by portraying that he even has that option.

    Where were Mike B and Mystt Vodka when we were getting the Series up and running? Where was their support? I talked with Mike several times to be involved, but he chose not to.
    Wow. Mike...misleading?? Really?! Pot meet kettle. Actually, this kinda pisses me off on behalf of mike. BS meter is pegged on that one.

    Sounds like Mike made a really, really smart choice.

    Yeah...dismiss me by saying "I have no ball in the game" but that way of thinking is a great way to assure you get no new car entries. "If you don't play our game, don't get involved." Hopefully next year I may get into a F1000, and it would be with Mike based on his reputation and integrity he has shown me over the few years I have known him.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnovak View Post
    My first choice is to have the races as part of club racing. IMO the class is not mature enough to support a separate pro series as this would dramatically reduce national numbers. Not a good thing at this time.

    Thanks ... Jay Novak

    A standalone series will poach numbers from SCCA national and that will and IMO is killing the class. 2nd to last in participation numbers as it stands right now 70 cars away from the 2.5 rule that comes and goes, and 64 away from the top 20.

    I'd really like to see FB continue but if it keeps this up it will be a regional class before too long.

  15. #15


    Really guys, is that all you get out of my post? If you spent as much time finding a positive way to make things work instead of all the negativity, things would get done a lot faster.

  16. #16
    member Brett Lane's Avatar
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    I'm curious however, of the 5 entrants in the 2011 Sebring Nationals, how many of them raced in our series instead of Sebring in 2012?[/quote]

    Three. That's exactly my point.

    Mike's model with a championship at the runoffs is what the class needs for paricipation numbers. Like Jay said, these numbers need to come up some before the class branches off somewhere else. The one off shootout with it's own run group? I got that from you.

  17. #17
    Not an aerodynamicist Wren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post
    Let's get back to the purpose of this thread.

    What would everyone like to see from Mike's Championship?
    Good idea. Since someone is pointing out that your list of unpaid debts is much longer than just the competitors, we should definitely change the subject.

    The long post from John really shows his disconnect with reality. Un-****ing-believable.

    John, it is time that you named off the mystery backers who left us without our money. You don't owe them anything anymore. I don't think anyone believes that there were ever any backers.

    Here's what I think: there were never backers but you were so convinced that you could find someone to pay $150k to have their name on a series of a few old guys running around that you were comfortable lying to everyone about it.

  18. #18
    Not an aerodynamicist Wren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post
    things would get done a lot faster.
    Just to be clear, you are the one responsible for getting things done. It was our responsibility to show up and race. It was your responsibility to pay the bills and make things happen. One of us held up our end.

    I don't see any other series expecting the competitors to un**** their messes.

  19. #19


    Unlike others on here, I'm not going to call out those who let me down. That's between me and them. You don't burn your bridges. You learn and go on. You can think all you want. But, I know the reality.

  20. #20
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    He doesn't need to name any mystery backers. He just needs to pay his debts, leave, and never come back. How's that for an Oxford comma?

  21. #21
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  22. #22
    Contributing Member tstarke4's Avatar
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    That's really funny, regardless of the context.

  23. #23
    Senior Member KevinFirlein's Avatar
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    it was a productive thread until the inevitable happened. If I guess the 'other car class' will that get all my friends paid in full ?
    Kevin Firlein Autosport,Inc.
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  24. #24
    Heterochromic Papillae starkejt's Avatar
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    The only reason that picture never gets old is that stripper JFK is stepping back and to the left.

  25. #25
    Contributing Member Jnovak's Avatar
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    I will re-affirm my position both as an F1000 National entrant and an F1000 Pro entrant:

    The F1000 class is simply NOT MATURE enough to support 2 separate race series, a National Race based series and an SCCA Pro Based series. If we had a Pro series and National races, the Pro Series races will simply reduce entries from the National Races, and it goes the other way too. This will limit entries in both series hurting both series.

    We need to get F1000 to grow as a single class and this will best happen if we build on National Racing. Perhaps in 5 years when there are 3 or 4 times the total number of F1000 cars, the class might be able to support 2 seperate race groups. Until then a seperate Pro Race series will only hurt the future of F1000.

    Sorry Jon, but this is my opinion and it has nothing to do with anything that happened this season except for the reduction of entrants in National Racing.

    Thanks ... Jay Novak
    Last edited by Jnovak; 08.13.12 at 6:56 PM.

  26. #26
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    Jay, you are absolutely right. Let's not kill our national status chasing rainbows.


    Quote Originally Posted by Jnovak View Post
    I will re-affirm my position both as an F1000 National entrant and an F1000 Pro entrant:

    The F1000 class is simply NOT MATURE enough to support 2 separate race series, a National Race based series and an SCCA Pro Based series. If we had a Pro series and National races, the Pro Series races will simply reduce entries from the National Races, and it goes the other way too. This will limit entries in both series hurting both series.

    We need to get F1000 to grow as a single class and this will best happen if we build on National Racing. Perhaps in 5 years when there are 3 or 4 times the total number of F1000 cars, the class might be able to support 2 seperate race groups. Until then a seperate Preo Race series will only hurt the future of F1000.

    Sorry Jon, but this is my opinion and it has nothing to do with anything that happened this season except for the reduction of entrants in National Racing.

    Thanks ... Jay Novak

  27. #27
    Not an aerodynamicist Wren's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by F1000champ View Post
    Unlike others on here, I'm not going to call out those who let me down. That's between me and them. You don't burn your bridges. You learn and go on. You can think all you want. But, I know the reality.
    I saw your reality in your long post above. It is very different than everyone else's reality.

    Given your track record of lying, I certainly don't believe you now. But, if you actually had a check from your backers that you turned down that makes you even more responsible. You should not have made a unilateral decision to keep the money away from the drivers. There is no scenario where this is not 100% your fault.

    Where is the money from sunoco?

  28. #28
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    Default The West Coast model works

    In my opinion the way the West Coast Series model has shaped up is working. It is a simple model and most likely will only get better.

    About the only thing I would like to see on the West Coast would be one high profile Pro Race at a venue that could attract some of the East Coast cars. I would be willing to pay a premium entry fee for something like this.

    Credit to Thomas Copeland and Nicholas Belling for having the vision to keep it real.
    Gary Hickman
    Edge Engineering Inc
    FB #76

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by ghickman View Post
    In my opinion the way the West Coast Series model has shaped up is working. It is a simple model and most likely will only get better.

    About the only thing I would like to see on the West Coast would be one high profile Pro Race at a venue that could attract some of the East Coast cars. I would be willing to pay a premium entry fee for something like this.

    Credit to Thomas Copeland and Nicholas Belling for having the vision to keep it real.

    Thanks gary,
    You have been a big supporter of what we are trying to acheive and have been with us since the very begginning.

    We are looking at potentially one high profile event for 2013.

    The drivers at large on the west coast will help determine if this transpires based on feedback. That is one thing we are working deligtently on for 2013 is shaping the series based on drivers feedback from the actual drivers who will be attending the events.

    I agree with Jay, the class has not yet matured enough to completly have a seperate pro series alone.

    Jon did prove that with the way he structured his series ( if it materialized and continued to all happen as he said),, he could attract a group !
    Nicholas Belling
    Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada

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    [FONT=Verdana]Does it have to be all or nothing? What if you ran a series with the SCCA club events with the final as a support race? How cool would it be if the West coast had their season finale as a double point support race for the Sears Point Indy car race! I’m just saying. And no I don’t have a ball in the game. - Pete[/FONT]

  31. #31
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    In fairness one of the most competitive series I ever participated in was the Star Mazda East pro series in 2004 for the standard FM cars and that was run as part of normal SCCA weekends and run groups. ( I know Coop will back me up on that as well) The series brought its own tech people and did its tech alongside SCCA's by basically impounding more cars and checking more items then scca ever did. At the end of the weekend after the series declared its impound over the drivers left were handed their checks right there and then.

    The only down side you'll have to endure when running in a SCCA run group is the other classes will accuse you of driving to aggressively in search of money once car counts and competition takes off. In our case in 2004 just going off memory I think the 1st 6 or 7 at the Runoffs were Star East cars so we were really going for it every race.
    Kevin Firlein Autosport,Inc.
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  32. #32
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    Default I agree with Jay as well

    Let's all row together to increase the national counts. To me, a series within a series makes sense until the numbers indicate otherwise. As for an east/west shootout, I'm for that but would like to see it centrally located if possible (make the tow the same from either coast).

    By the way, thank you Mike, Nicholas and Thomas for running your respective series, setting realistic expectations and delivering on your commitments as promised

    As for the F1CS, there's no argument the two events were well run and everyone had a good time, but running a good event is one thing, delivering on the commitments to the participants is another. From my view, the F1CS was promoted as something that was not quite what it appeared to be and that's a risky, even foolhardy move. Jon, with your experience, you should have known better (a deal it isn't a deal until it's in writing). It sucks that you lost your backing and the handshake deal meant nothing to the 'sponsor', but at the end of the day it really doesn't matter. People were promised something that they did not receive, and until they receive it don't be surprised if your support level is lukewarm at best.

    Anyway, that's my $.02.


  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jnovak View Post
    I will re-affirm my position both as an F1000 National entrant and an F1000 Pro entrant:

    The F1000 class is simply NOT MATURE enough to support 2 separate race series, a National Race based series and an SCCA Pro Based series. If we had a Pro series and National races, the Pro Series races will simply reduce entries from the National Races, and it goes the other way too. This will limit entries in both series hurting both series.

    We need to get F1000 to grow as a single class and this will best happen if we build on National Racing. Perhaps in 5 years when there are 3 or 4 times the total number of F1000 cars, the class might be able to support 2 seperate race groups. Until then a seperate Pro Race series will only hurt the future of F1000.

    Sorry Jon, but this is my opinion and it has nothing to do with anything that happened this season except for the reduction of entrants in National Racing.

    Thanks ... Jay Novak

    I'm in this camp also.

    With the potential of nationals changing with the new masters pilot program it may help with the mixed run group traffic.

    Keep the class operating in the club racing national program and build the numbers this way. We need to develope an easy to reach program before we start something more complicated. Diluting the class right now is just doing damage to the momentum we had for growth.

  34. #34
    Global Moderator Mike B's Avatar
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    Earlier this week, I sent out an e-mail to active F1000 drivers or soon-to-be-active F1000 drivers with a link to a survey to help plan next season. If you consider yourself in one of these groups and didn't get the e-mail, please send a PM or e-mail to me and I'll hook you up.
    My target audience is comprised of drivers primarily in the middle of the country to the east coast. If you're on the west coast but think you might attend some races on this side of the country, let me know and I'll hook you up with the survey link.

    Mike Beauchamp
    RF95 Prototype 2

    Get your FIA rain lights here:

  35. #35
    Contributing Member Richard Dziak's Avatar
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    As a "cash sponsor" not a "product sponsor" to Mike B's F1000 Mystt Championship Series for 2012, I suggest that the 2013 Mike B Championship be integrated into the SCCA National Events in 2013 and possibly beyond, until the class grows deeper.

    We must kept in mind that F1000 is still growing and in it's infancy. While the cars are top notch racing machines, we must keep in mind that this is still amateur racing, but at it's best.

    Many owner/drivers are middle + aged and out to enjoy the sport of F1000 racing. Many owner/drivers are too old to become Indy Light drivers or F3000 drivers etc. It's just the nature of Pro racing at higher levels.

    It would be wise to keep this thought in mind moving forward. Integrating an F1000 Championship into SCCA National events would make the Mike B series much more cost effective for the entrants. A series of perhaps 7 to 8 weekends which would be 14 to 16 race events would probably suffice, having an internal points structure within the Mike B Championship.

    We must remember that SCCA plays a crucial role with F1000 racing, and if the Championship Series were run within the SCCA National events, car counts could stay high.

    I have read the news release for the integration of the other promoters idea for 2013 F1000 Championship, and it makes no sense for F1000 owners to pay additional registration fees and entry fees with little, to no hope of recapturing/recovering the money spent to win a race. Yes, one F1000 owner/driver could dominate, and win a nice pot of cash, but in the other promoters sceme, only the promoter is the money winner, and quite big if you spend time to crunch the numbers, as seen on the eformula news press release.

    Also I have decided to be a cash sponsor to Mike B's event this year to provide an incentive for the F1000 owner/drivers to enter National SCCA events. Even though I have retired from F1000 racing, I know the costs and expenses that F1000 owners or any racer goes though to go out have fun, drive these beautiful racing machines and be able to record a win. The sport is not cheap to participate. Many racers have to make monetary sacrifices to family members in order to participate. Yes, some F1000 owners may have deep pockets, and the economics of racing may not matter to them. I feel this is a small number of owners.

    I will be watching the 2012 SCCA Runoffs and the Mike B Championship Series to see how it goes, and what the response from the entrants are. For now I know that I could only be a sponsor for Mike B's series as the other promoter is just that, a promoter out for profits, and appears that he does not have the best interests of the F1000 Class in mind.

    I will be happy to come back to the table in 2013 to provide "cash sponsorship" to a F1000 Championship. But because of the respect that Mike B has earned from his peer racing group and professionalism that he has showed, he will most likely get my money.

    I sincerely want to send my regards to all F1000 ower/racers and 2012 SCCA Runoff entrants for a great race, a safe race and have a good time. Someone will win, and someone will finish last, it's always that way. Continue the F1000 Class fellowship that started a few years back. It's essential to the class. Have fun. I wish I could attend. Sure would like to enjoy some of that Mysst Vodka.

    Safe racing everyone.
    Richard Dziak
    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    Former Phoenix F1K-07 F1000 #77 owner/driver

  36. #36
    Fallen Friend Northwind's Avatar
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    I would like to thank you for your continuing strong support of the F 1000 class. We have 15 cars currently entered for the runoffs championship. At the current count it places 15 of the 29 classes with lower entry number than F 1000. Not a bad rebound considering the way the F1000champ series disrupted this season.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northwind View Post
    Not a bad rebound considering the way the F1000champ series disrupted this season.
    Indeed it was an ugly ending, but we had 12 FB's at coulda been so good!!!

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