Sunday, April 27

1 FF Hobby
2 FF Lutz
1 CF Nicolette
2 CF Kelly
3 CF Roux
4 CF Van Nostrand
5 CF Marcinski
3 FF Lye
6 CF Wilson
4 FF Arters
7 CF Degnan

Race Notes:

The race was run under a light mist after an all night rain -- everyone on slicks

Summit Point re-surfacing had a surprising amount of grip in the wet (compared to the old surface)

The first three FF/CF cars were severely handicapped by a DSR that was a hero on the straights but a slug in the corners - Oh, the trials and tribulations of a "wings and things" race group.

JD King missed the race after a Friday practice day coming together with a sport racer

We have a convert from Spec Miata in JoAnne Degnan -- congrats for coming over to the bright side