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  1. #1
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Default Firebird Double National

    Weather has been exceptional for the first two days of the Double National here in Phoenix at the Firebird Raceway Main track. Mid-70's and sunny and the weatherman says more of the same tomorrow. We are running the Phoenix F1K.07 prototype (the silver one) and we're trying a few new things on the car based on data we've been collecting over the past few months.

    I decided to run the test day yesterday (Friday) because we thought we might be chasing the car a bit with all the changes we made. Fortunately, we were wrong. The car came out fast right out of the box...on left-over Goodyear's from the January race at PIR...thanks to Dustin's and Chris Harrison's expertise. Within the first 55-minute test session, I already was under the FB track record I set last year (58.4) and was only a tenth off of my best-ever lap there (57.5).

    Knowing that the car was good we tried a few aero tweaks in the following sessions, but in the end we went back to our initial settings for the final session. We bolted on a new set of tires to scuff in for the weekend and once I turned a 57.1. Dustin urged me to not over-cook our brand new skins and we parked it for the day. The only negative from the day was a nagging clutch issue where I would have a good clutch for the first few laps and then it would go away....mushy pedal and little or no clutch. Since I use the clutch on downshifts, it was causing me some grief.

    Saturday brought a fairly cool and overcast morning, but by mid-day the sun had dominated the sky and the temps came up. The faulty clutch plagued us for most of the morning, but I really focused on trying to get in a fast lap early before it gave out. I did manage a 57.7 for qualifying.

    The only spare part I brought to the track for the clutch system was a new master cylinder so we changed it out prior to the race....hoping it was the issue. Another negative was a cracked header.....again. Kevin Mitz fired up his welder for us and within a few minutes Dustin had it all patched up. We're developing a new stainless header, but until it is ready I hope our old one survives.

    The race saw 8 total cars take the grid (pathetic). Rumors of another FB running at this event have so far proved just we were the only FB. I started 4th behind a well-driven FA (Selznick) and two CSR's, Harvey Goldman and Don Simons. The start was pretty uneventful, but Don got by Harvey down the dragstrip and the battle was on. Those two were either nose to tail or side by side for the next 10-12 laps...and made fairly heavy contact coming off the final turn on one occasion...leaving broken fiberglass and carbon fiber right in the exit line for the corner. On about lap 12 Don caught the tire barrier going into the final turn and Harvey had nowhere to go and was collected as well. Don's weekend is probably over as the car sustained major left side damage. Harvey's car was also pretty banged up but it sounds like they may make it back out tomorrow.

    The new master cylinder fixed the clutch issue (luckily) and I managed to be real consistent and turned 10 of the first 13 laps under my previous track record....with a fast lap of 57.7. The car had a slight push, but was pretty damned good. The black flag following the previously described incident had us in the pits for about 20-25 minutes, but the race resumed and we were actually able to complete all 30 laps as scheduled. The car in the second race iteration was just as good (or better) and I was able to clock 5 laps at 57.5 or under with my AIM dash showing the best time of 56.985. Timing and Scoring was having some issues so offical times weren't available before we left, but I'd be a really happy camper if I got under a 57.

    One more race day tomorrow...more then.

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC
    Last edited by Matt Conrad; 03.08.08 at 10:34 PM. Reason: typo

  2. #2
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Default Sunday Update - FIR Double Nat

    All I can say is WOW! What a perfect weekend for racing here in Phoenix. Those of you in the northern climes need to find a way to get yourself down here for some racing in the winter. Temps were in the mid to upper 70's and the track was fast. Unfortunately, not many showed up as the turnout was pretty weak. I'm guessing 50 total entries. Sad.

    The Arizona Region has done a great job lately for us racers down here and I hope some of you will find some time in your schedule to get down here and race with us.

    Saturday's race time was not a fluke weird dash hit (which I feared) as T&S had me at an official 56.943 track record. A full 1.5 seconds faster than my previous track record of 58.4.

    Sunday dawned at a balmy 59 degrees and we readied for one more day of racing. We were fortunately moved from the FF, FV group earlier (forgot to mention that) so we didn't hit the track until about 9:00...instead of 8:00. We had a slight mid-corner push in the race on Saturday and made a slight bar adjustment. I didn't want to get too crazy in practice and wanted to focus on a few turns that I knew I was giving up substantial time in. Without much effort I was in the low 57's (57.2) and the car felt pretty good....we were ready for qualifying. No changes to the car.

    My goal was to try to get down to yesterday's new record lap time and pull it in. Save the tires for the race. Mission Accomplished as I trimmed another .4 seconds of yesterdays' new track record...tripping the beacon at a 56.509...way past where I thought I'd be. P2 behind Dan Selznick's FA and in front of the freshly repaired WF1 of Harvey Goldman.

    Race Time.

    The race was pretty lackluster (thats' what happens when you have 6 cars....all in different classes...running together. I guess I put the only excitement into the event after spinning on the exit to the final turn and having a few drivers twitch as they entered the straightaway and saw me facing them head on. My mistake...I pinched the car and it started to come around and I tried to stay hard in it...wrong answer. I waited for 2 cars to pass and resumed the fray. No issues for the remainder of the event and the lap times were fairly consistent again. In fact, I ran 24 laps under 58 seconds, and 6 laps under the 56.9 track record set on saturday. Best lap...and new track record...of 56.670.

    FYI...A future FB competitor, Jose Gerardo, was campaigning his FC (prior to being butchered for conversion) this weekend and was very fast. He set a new track record for FC this weekend...right around a 57.1. THat record had stood for eight years. Congrats to Jose.

    We do have some video (both in-car and external) that we'll be posting soon...stay tuned! Thanks to my crew for a great job this weekend. They gave me a great car and it was a blast to drive!

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC

  3. #3
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Default In-Car Video

    We're still having some issues with the's either too loud...or in this weekend's case...not loud enough.

    Video Here.

    Fortunately, my cousin's former band "SloRoll" provides some "cover" and I hope you enjoy.

    A few comments:
    • The video was 40 minutes and in order to get on Photobucket I had to trim it under 5 minutes.
    • The car that passes me at the end of the front straight at the start is the WF1 of Harvey Goldman. Fully built George Dean engine shows it's worth.
    • The spin at the 2/3 mark was the result of a moron at the wheel...only mistake of the weekend I'm OK with it....particularly because the music fit perfectly...and I didn't hit anything.
    • After the spin I did catch Jose Gerardo (with about 2 laps to go) and you'll see him in front of me at the end.
    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC
    Last edited by Matt Conrad; 03.13.08 at 12:15 AM.

  4. #4
    Senior Member ghickman's Avatar
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    Hi Matt
    Great video....I liked the music for sure.

    Are you using a padel shifter now? Couldn't see your hand move off the wheel. We built our own padel shifter and appears to work well.

    You'll have another FB to play with soon. We're finishing up the body next week. Then we can final assemble the chassis. We're not going to even bother painting the chassis with anticipation that they'll be something to weld on at the last minute.

    Gary Hickman
    Edge Engineering Inc
    FB #76

  5. #5
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Gary,'s an electric-pneumatic paddle shifter with an MPS no-lift-shift box. I'm totally sold.

    The system we are using is is in test mode right now...but I can't be more pleased with the performance.

    Look forward to seeing you out soon.


  6. #6
    Senior Member ghickman's Avatar
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    Get your sound working on your camera next time....anxious to hear the engine sound with a no-lift ignition cut out.

    Are you able to change the cut off duration with that MPS unit?

    Gary Hickman
    Edge Engineering Inc
    FB #76

  7. #7
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Trust me...12,700 rpm's sounds we definitely want the engine noise next time. The sound did pick up a faint on volume level 100 (way past MAX) on a TV you could barely here the shifts...but for normal was useless.

    Yes...the MPS unit is adjustable.

    And for proper credit...the song is titled "What Are You?".


  8. #8
    Senior Member ghickman's Avatar
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    For those of you that have never driven at Firebird I can tell you that 56.6 is freakin' flying around that place. It keeps you very busy.

    Firebird was always one of my favorites aside from Road Atlanta.

    So a 55 in the cards here?

    Gary Hickman
    Edge Engineering Inc
    FB #76

  9. #9
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    With me driving....maybe. I left alot out there.

    With an accomplished driver in the seat....55's are a done deal.

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC

  10. #10
    Contributing Member Mike Devins's Avatar
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    The paddle shifters really seem to work well. I spoke to Dave Cook last week and he is going to work on a set for my car. Does your system have the clutch actuator in it as well?

    For those of you that have not met Dave he has been working on these paddle shifters for years and continues to improve the function and the appearance. They are becoming functional jewelry.

    The car looks easy to drive based on your steering wheel movement compared to some of the other in car shots I have seen. Looks very solid.

  11. #11
    Contributing Member Mike Devins's Avatar
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    Default 55's


    would 55's put you in between FC and FA?

  12. #12
    Contributing Member Mike Devins's Avatar
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    Default 55's

    Last edited by Mike Devins; 03.13.08 at 7:45 AM. Reason: duplicate post

  13. #13
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    We are not using the clutch activator part of the system. I just use my foot. The current design of that component (it is very large) won't work on our current footbox configuation. I know Dustin and Dave are working on it.

    The car is very stable and easy to drive fast. The lowering of the lap times that I am doing has nothing to do with the car...the car is has to do with improving the driver. Even though we made some changes to the car this past weekend that really worked was me driving the car deeper into the corners and trying to improve my craft that made the difference. There's still some areas on track where I can be better and I'll work on those next time and see what we can do.

    As far as time comparison' fastest ever lap at FIR in my old 1990 Van Diemen was in the low 59's and the fastest anyone ever went there in one of the Maloy DSR's was one of our rental customers, Bill a 58.8.

    The FA track record is by Dan Selznick in his Swift 014 to 52.1 seconds. As I stated earlier, the FC track record was set by Jose Gerardo this weekend at a 57.1. By the way....he was on "sticker" Avons....I was on 5-session Goodyear 250's.

    Long story short...I guess my 56.6 falls between FA and FC already, but my record probably won't stand for too long.

    Some other notable track records at the 1.61 mile FIR Main track:

    DSR 57.3
    CSR 55.2
    FM 56.6

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC

  14. #14
    Contributing Member Richard Dziak's Avatar
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    Feel fortunate that you were even given the opportunity to catch Jose Gerardo. Jose is a fantastic no-fear driver with a very strong FC, from our Pan Am Region out of El Paso, Texas. He ran 5th in the National SCCA runoff' 2007 as a rookie driver. This certainly shows that the F1000 has lots of potential and you should be very proud of your driving. You done good, Matt.
    Richard Dziak
    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    Former Phoenix F1K-07 F1000 #77 owner/driver

  15. #15
    Senior Member jose gerardo's Avatar
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    Default FIR video


    Can I bother you with the video of this race?.

    I would like to see how my lines look for the next time, this was my first time
    running at Firebird .

    I will PM my adress and fed ex account, thanks.


    Jose Gerardo
    Step on the gas until you see the bright light..... THEN BRAKE HARD !

  16. #16
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    I can put it on a memory stick for you. I think it's about 40 minutes total, but I can trim out the pace and cool down laps.

    The other option is to break it up into 5 minute clips and put them on my photobucket account....I may do that too.


    Are you telling me that you came to Firebird and broke a track record (FC) that had been standing for 8 years...and it was your first time here?

    If so...that's awesome. Secondly, are you sure you want to chop up that car?

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC

  17. #17
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Default More Video Clips

    I thought I'd do up a few more sub-5 minute videos of Sunday's race at Firebird. This one is a few laps after the start and the rabbit I am chasing is Harvey Goldman's WF1 running as a CSR.


    I'll try to post one more from the spin to when I caught back up to Jose Gerardo in his FC.

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix race Works, LLC

  18. #18
    Contributing Member Richard Dziak's Avatar
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    Great video...great background music......the drive looks so effortless. Great driving lines, using the rumble strips......You did great. I am sure the paddle shifter makes a MAJOR difference. Awesome drive, Matt. Looking forward to seeing the rest of the video.
    Richard Dziak
    Las Cruces, New Mexico
    Former Phoenix F1K-07 F1000 #77 owner/driver

  19. #19
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Default One More Video

    One more video....


    A little April Wine for cover music...maybe I should have used this on the "Catching Harvey" video....he's from Canada too.

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC.

  20. #20
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    Jose, you looked VERY fast out there! A friend of mine was also filming throughout the weekend, so I'm going to upload some footage within the next week or so as well. I can send you a hard copy of some sort (CD?) if you'd like.

  21. #21
    Senior Member jose gerardo's Avatar
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    Default firbird

    Quote Originally Posted by Matt Conrad View Post

    I can put it on a memory stick for you. I think it's about 40 minutes total, but I can trim out the pace and cool down laps.

    The other option is to break it up into 5 minute clips and put them on my photobucket account....I may do that too.


    Are you telling me that you came to Firebird and broke a track record (FC) that had been standing for 8 years...and it was your first time here?

    If so...that's awesome. Secondly, are you sure you want to chop up that car?

    Matt Conrad
    Phoenix Race Works, LLC

    I have been there before as crew for a friend, but this was my first time driving there.

    Thanks for the encouraging comments, I try very hard and this is my third track record to date.
    Arroyo seco, Deming N.M. and Sandia Motorplex ,Albuquerque N.M. for the others.

    I would appreciate the last few minutes of the video from the point I became "The rabbit"
    and to the end of the race.

    Thanks and let me know where to send you the CD or Flash Drive.


    Step on the gas until you see the bright light..... THEN BRAKE HARD !

  22. #22
    Senior Member Matt Conrad's Avatar
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    Attached is video of the last 4 laps...I pulled up under your gearbox and followed you for the last 3.

    Last Few Laps Video

    PM me and I'll get you the address.


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