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  1. #1
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    Default For the good of FF racing as a whole

    Few will dispute the fact that having two racing organizations hold events on the same weekend is not good for our sport; it divides members, and thereby Formula Ford camaraderie. No one can deny that it is best for the sport as a whole to have a good attendance for all classes by not splitting the field. No one enjoys racing with just five cars on the track. It’s a lot more fun with 25 – 30 cars vying for positions throughout the field.

    Our primary interest lies with Formula Fords. We recognized that the Pacific Formula 2000 model was a great idea and highly successful, and have worked diligently to form Formula Ford “The Series” for the benefit of our class and our cars. We currently have 32 members in our group, but it’s a win / win situation for all Formula Ford fans as well as car owners and drivers.

    We intentionally started small, as some FF drivers indicated they only want to race four or five events a year. Settling upon five weekend events (two actual races each event) to avoid knocking anyone out of a chance for a championship, we determined that the best seven out of ten race events should be counted for overall season points.

    We did our best to stay local and to avoid scheduling conflicts with other clubs, while taking advantage of some of the best venues offered. We posted our schedule first in October 2006, consider ourselves lucky as there was only one conflict for 2007!

    We believe it does not benefit Formula Ford racing in Southern California for anyone to be made to feel as though they need to choose sides, or run with only one organization. “The Series” is a proven success and an entity of it’s own. We are only interested in doing what is best for Formula Ford Racing, without bias or agenda.

    We’d like all Formula Ford drivers to race with us on the weekends when there are no conflicts. It has never been our intent to cause friction between racing organizations. Our sole goal has been to build interest in Formula Ford racing and return it to the glory era of the late 70’s and 80’s. We are well on our way towards that goal, and, that can’t hurt the resale value of Formula Fords, which has declined recently.

    Our Proposal: We wish to invite all Formula Ford owners and drivers to join us for “The Series” California Speedway event on June 22, 23, 24, a spectator event which should yield some very exciting open-wheel racing. No one is required to join as a member. Just come out and race & see for yourself what we are all about. Our bet is, you will want to race with our members in the future. You already know many of our drivers and they are the top drivers in Southern California. They would love to have your competition.

    Help us to recreate the excitement of the 70’s & 80’s when Formula Ford ruled.

    Contact Richard Holladay:

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    Just an outsider looking interest of full disclosure I no longer own a FF and I race a FV with VARA. I don't speak for VARA or anyone other than myself. Just curious if you truly are concerned with the fragmentation of FF racing in So-Cal, can you disclose why all of your scheduled events in "the series" are with one vintage organization and not the other?

    By looking at the results in both organizations it appears that many of the vintage FF and CF racers in SoCal do participate with both clubs. Just seems as though 3 events with one and 3 events with the other, without any conflicting events could have been a better solution.

    --Daryl DeArman
    FV1 #66

  3. #3
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    Default just want to see politic free, good, safe, racing


    I too am just an outsider looking in, and NOT a member of HSR-West nor VARA.

    Let me point out that it is not RICHARD Holladay, organizer of "The Series" that made this post. I am JEFF Holladay, and am not an active part of "The Series", nor do I have any interest therein.

    I simply copied what I thought was a pretty good letter on to this forum, because I really wish to witness a 30-car-plus Formula Ford race by the end of this season. It's been since I was a kid at Riverside, that I've seen anything close to that. That I suppose is MY hidden agenda.

    I believe I can answer your question though, and explain why all races this first year are with one organization, this series was put together in only 90 days, and the schedule offered was simply the best fit given the short period of time in which things came together. Also, the top racers in Southern California FF racing are driving in vintage, and few posses SCCA licenses. So SCCA wasn't an option, which brought it down to VARA and HSR-WEST.

    A little over a year ago there was an incident in a VARA race involving one of Richard's drivers, which ultimately resulted in his driver being banned from participation in VARA. As a practical matter, in the 90 days it took for this thing to come together, there just wasn't enough time for the appeals process to take place, and so this first year of "The Series" has been scheduled with HSR-West. It really has nothing to do with politics or agendas, but simply a practical matter ... just the way things turned out.

    It is my PERSONAL belief as I have heard it stated myself at the track, that VARA does not care for drivers coming from CalClub / SCCA background. I don't necessarily agree that there's anything wrong with drivers trained by SCCA, and think they might be lumping us in to a group as a result of a few bad apples.

    Offered as proof, I would hold up my VARA racing record, and overall racing record of safety against anyone's. I was trained at a CalClub school, and have raced most of my races in CalClub. The only time I have EVER had contact at speed was with a man who was having trouble with his vision that day, and later stated he shouldn't have been racing that event. I took my suspension like a man, didn't make a big deal out of it, and later returned to race successfully and safely with VARA. That's just how I believe things should be done.

    I hope to make it clear that I have no agenda. I believe all racing organizations have their good points AND their bad points. I'm not a fan or detractor of any particular racing organization. (except I don't care much for Tony George's IRL)

    I am not aware that I have any enemies in VARA, HSR-WEST, or in SCCA. At lease I hope I don't. I've tried to be a very good citizen in all forums.

    I have been a member of VARA in the past, but am not racing at present. I attend many VARA events as a spectator, and often end up working on drivers' cars. Since VARA doesn't require membership to do this, the only organization I belong to is CalClub because I work on cars at some of their events, and SCCA does require membership and a Crew Credential. But I do not race presently for financial reasons.

    I have no good or bad feelings about VARA, and I witnessed the event in which Richard's driver was banned from VARA for life. I choose NOT to take sides, as I am not an expert, I know there are 2 sides to every story, and I feel both sides made some good points. Ultimately, VARA made their ruling, and I am not aware that Richard Holladay or his driver did anything but ask it be reconsidered. I don't think they even filed an appeal. I think that's a good sportsmanlike response.

    I hope that answers your question; sorry it wasn't more brief. I know there has been some rumors back and forth on the topic of Richard's series, and can only I hope all who read this will do their own research, and will arrive at their own conclusions, just as I have done. I don't agree with 100% of what ANY individual tells me, but prefer to arrive at my own conclusion.

    As for my bias, I haven't one. I'm not a fan of the men driving Richard's cars, and that's no secret. But I don't want to see the beautiful automobiles damaged, and I pray for the safety of all the drivers and crew at race events.

    If I've any bias I guess it would be in favor of politic free, good, safe Formula Ford racing in California, Arizona, and Nevada.

    My best to ALL who race,

    -- Jeff

  4. #4
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    Default Formula Ford "The Series"

    In the interest of simplicity and a smooth running operation, the decision was made to stay with one sanctioning body for the first season. Richard Holladay Organizer.

  5. #5
    Contributing Member marshall9's Avatar
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    Hey Now,
    No explanation is PAST TENSE...."Why did you make that decision......" Before we all agree on something, the season will be over. My back to the guys that sit around and pick apart small details rather than race......blah blah blah....Geeze, I dunno, because 30 showed up, and rather than sit around and analize things, we raced!........"Why all with one sanctioning body?" Dude, who cares?, RACE!

  6. #6
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    Thanks for the response.

    It seems we have a lot of common ground.

    My interest, is my selfishness in also wanting to see 30+ FF fields. I raced my Crossle in the Feb 04 race at Cal Speedway when 40 FF/CF took the green--the start made the cover of the May 2004 Victory Lane magazine. I'd like to witness that again, even if I am strapped into my FV on the grid for the next run group this time.

    I don't see that level of entries occuring as long as "the series" is only racing with one sanctioning body. There are those FF drivers who just want to race and don't care under which flag the race is being run. There are those who are loyal to HSR-West, and those loyal to VARA.

    I have only been involved with VARA since that Feb 04 race so I don't know what took place prior to that. I am a FV racer with VARA and also their pointskeeper. As such, I do receive official word on penalties that the BoD has approved and I have yet to see anyone receive a liftetime ban--must have been something that someone thought was pretty substantial. Also would have been something the whole BoD would have discussed.

    Sorry you don't feel that VARA welcomes past SCCA/Cal Club members--I haven't found that to be the case. It is my impression that they have the best open wheel racing around with some real compeitive folks (most of them fall under the "just want to race" catagory above)--I further feel that the Chief Steward, BoD members, Chief Driving Instructor and Class reps are trying to maintain the balance of letting the racers race (not parade) while at the same time maintaining some level of respect for each others' safety. I have found them to only judge the actions of the driver without regard to their background.

    I am not going to name names, but since I have been doing the points for VARA I only see a couple of repeat offenders and their backgrounds are varied. Some of them are just poor decision makers--I believe only one of them has an SCCA background which in my opinion is irrelevant.

    I too am not interested in all the politics, just from someone outside the FF group the way this whole "the series" thing has evolved seemed disingenous. Now that I know that the promoter of the series has a driver who has been banned from VARA it explains everything.

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    Why all the hostility? I do care and I do race, since that apparently makes a difference to you.

    I felt that if growing "the series" was the goal then perhaps it would have been wiser to include races from both VARA and HSR-West. Now that I understand that the series promotor has a driver banned from VARA it is clearer why all the races are HSR races. Only time will tell how it will all work out.

  8. #8
    Contributing Member marshall9's Avatar
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    No hostility. I just hope this thread doesn't turn into one like the "tires" "engines" etc....that's all......

  9. #9
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    Default an outsider looking in


    Without intending to levy insult, I don't believe we share much common ground, you and I.

    My impression of your comments as I read, is that you say you're an outsider looking in, but in fact you then state you are a VARA insider, that you work in an official capacity with VARA, have knowledge not generally available to the racing public, you're VARA's points keeper, and since 2004 you have chosen to race only in one group yourself.

    Also, you state you have knowledge of the opinions and operating styles of many of those in power in VARA. From above: "I further feel that the Chief Steward, BoD members, Chief Driving Instructor and Class reps are trying to maintain the balance of letting the racers race (not parade) while at the same time maintaining some level of respect for each others' safety. I have found them to only judge the actions of the driver without regard to their background."

    I don't see the common ground between you and I, and since don't even know who those individuals are holding those positions in your club.

    I am however, beginning to read that you have a bias.

    If you've known about bans, and how the BoD in VARA works, I must ask what your initial comment and question was all about? I ask because it is now obvious to me at least, that it wasn't the innocent "outsider looking in" inquiry you would have had readers of this forum believe.

    Please understand, this (in only Jeff's opinion) is the type of political bias and naysayer that I make every effort in avoiding, and the reason I rarely if ever make posts on forums such as these. I just want to enjoy the sport, no matter what sanctioning body has the reins. I don't get involved in politics, or the day to day running of one organization or another. I avoid that because it takes all the fun out of what is supposed to be an enjoyable pursuit.

    As I understand MY own position, I am still welcome to drive in VARA. Perhaps you have different information Daryl, but I believe I am still welcome as a participant in that club, when last I spoke to Darlene. As such, it would not be out of the question that Richard could still field both his cars with safe, competent drivers, trusted to him, without pushing the issue surrounding a ban.

    You wrote: "I do receive official word on penalties that the BoD has approved and I have yet to see anyone receive a liftetime ban--must have been something that someone thought was pretty substantial."

    I don't know who that someone was, to which you refer, but you're right, the turn one incident resulting in the ban must have been quite serious, more than I witnessed. The incident I witnessed involved all parties walking away with injuries treated only by ice packs; bruises, but no broken bones or hospital visits. I later saw the cars involved and felt all could be repaired. But then again, I was there only as a paying spectator, not in a capacity as a prep guy or track support mechanic, and certainly not privy to the inner sanctum or decisions of the BoD as you call them.

    In that it was his first and only contact in VARA, and my having read the rules and regs surrounding such incidents as posted on VARA's website, as they pertain to the accidental contact which I witnessed, I was actually quite surprised by the severity of the punishment. But not being a fan of the guy involved, and not having been asked for my witness statement, and since I am not even a club member, who am I to judge, right?

    Getting back to the point of scheduling, all I can offer is that if VARA would like "The Series" to hold some events under their sanction, they should contact Richard Holladay about next year's schedule, as NASA did for this 2007 season.

    There have been several drivers, very good, competent drivers who are currently active with "The Series" and VARA both, who have offered to drive the former #1 Dennis Firestone, Bob Lobenberg Crossle owned by Richard, in VARA events, so a ban of a single driver wouldn't preclude "The Series" participation at a VARA sanctioned event. Besides which, Richard's two drivers and cars are receiving no "The Series" points or awards for their participation; they're just out for the sheer enjoyment of the race, so they really needn't participate at all!

    So as you can see, there's no reason for Richard not to run in VARA, should he choose to do so. He could always enter (only) his second car and driver. Perhaps the ball lies in VARA's court, to invite "The Series" to race under their sanction. Unless that would be a conflict with the recently started Sabina Cup thing.(?)

    Look, I would encourage EVERYONE to do the Rodney King thing here, and just get along! I don't believe there is ANYONE racing in "The Series" who isn't also racing in VARA. But I understand there are a few VARA drivers who won't race in any other organization. That's just a shame! I think that's not in the spirit of good competition without politic.

    Again, this is only JEFF's opinion, and these comments do not represent the opinion(s) of anyone else named herein.

    Daryl, I've been involved in auto racing for a number of years, have met most of the players in various groups in which I've participated, and know most of the local prep guys and suppliers in the game too. All I've spoken with feel this "The Series" thing is a good thing for FF and good for the sport of auto racing.

    So in closing, I hope VARA, CalClub, SFR and Az. Regions of the SCCA, and NASA would ALL contact Richard Holladay and invite "The Series" to participate at their tracks and on certain events. In fact, I think it would be AWESOME to see "The Series" make a date to run The Rose Cup!

    Before Richard Holladay organized "The Series" for Formula Fords, Joe Moran did something very similar to this with The S2Cup. Les Phillips did a similar thing with Formula Continentals to great success. What's the issue in someone doing this in vintage racing, with Formula Fords? I don't get it!!??

    Personally, I'm partial to the lets just race, mentality.

    Without agenda,

    -- Jeff
    Last edited by JSHolladay; 03.07.07 at 7:51 AM.

  10. #10
    Contributing Member marshall9's Avatar
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    Jeff, my sentiments exactly. Apologies if I seemed hostile in my earlier post. I only meant that by the time the politics are decided, the race is over......RACE !!!

  11. #11
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    Default We are going racing!!!

    Formula Ford "The Series" is all about racing all generations of Formula Fords. The sole goal is to build interest in Formula Ford racing. We have two points races this coming weekend at WSIR. As Marshall suggested, we are going racing and we are going to have a great weekend.

    Marshall, you are welcome to join us at any time. We will be returning to Phoenix with "The Series" on December 1 - 2, 2007. Thanks for your imput.

    Richard Holladay

    PS. Enough said, let's move on!!!

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    See your PM.

    Feel free to post the PM here in it's entirety if you feel it is relevant.

  13. #13
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    Default moving on sounds good to me

    Living 35 minutes from Willow Springs, in Bear Valley Springs (the mountains west of Tehachapi) I'm looking forward to this weekend's "The Series" event.

    Only an hour and 20 minutes from Buttonwillow, I REALLY am looking forward to the British Extravaganza, one of my all time favorite events.

    I hope and pray EVERYONE will race safe, AND they'll remain safe before and after these events, as people often get hurt worse AFTER racing is over for the day. No one enjoys being awakened by Life Flight to find people have hurt themselves doing things they shouldn't.

    Let's all be SAFE, and enjoy the best sport in the world, in the most responsible manner.

    'Nuff said.

    Only my best to all,

    -- Jeff

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    I felt the need to defend my credibility. This is not an attack on Jeff.

    Quote Originally Posted by JSHolladay View Post
    in fact you then state you are a VARA insider, that you work in an official capacity with VARA, have knowledge not generally available to the racing public
    Not true, I didn't label myself an "insider" you did. I never stated that I have knowledge not generally available to the racing public--I don't beyond knowing the points totals before they are posted...but anybody is free to calculate that themselves.

    Also, you state you have knowledge of the opinions and operating styles of many of those in power in VARA....
    I specifically said "I further feel (empahsis added this time to highlight it is my opinion only) that the Chief Steward, BoD members, Chief Driving Instructor and Class reps are trying to maintain the balance of letting the racers race (not parade) while at the same time maintaining some level of respect for each others' safety. I have found them to only judge the actions of the driver without regard to their background."

    If you've known about bans, and how the BoD in VARA works
    I don't know of any lifetime bans in VARA, I assure you no such conversations have been discussed at any meetings I have been to, and I wouldn't be included in any BoD executive discussions to know what any of the topics might be.

    As I understand MY own position, I am still welcome to drive in VARA. Perhaps you have different information Daryl
    Again, I don't know of anyone who has been banned from the club.

    Again, this is only JEFF's opinion, and these comments do not represent the opinion(s) of anyone else named herein.
    See more common ground

    Everything I have posted as also been my opinion, I don't speak for anyone else either.

    And another thing, just to make you feel all warm and fuzzy about how much we don't have in common --next time I am in Stallion Springs I'll have to look you up, maybe even let you buy me a beer that is, if they let us common folk come into your private community on the hill. If we just don't get along, that is okay, we won't be neighbors until I retire, several years away.

    I'm partial to the lets just race, mentality.
    and there we are again...

    Whether you choose to race at Willow or California Speedway this weekend, have a good time and be safe. See it never ends
    Last edited by Daryl DeArman; 03.07.07 at 5:09 PM. Reason: Felt the need to defend my credibility, not attack Jeff

  15. #15
    Classifieds Super License stonebridge20's Avatar
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    Holy crap ! You guys must be lawyers or something! Go work on your racecars and race them. Lifes too short to spend all your time having a cyber feud!

    Stonebridge Sports & Classics ltd
    15 Great Pasture Rd Danbury, CT. 06810 (203) 744-1120
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  16. #16
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    or something....

    Looks like pretty good weekends for both

    VARA had 16 starters Sunday
    HSR-West had 16 starters as well.

    For those of you unfamiliar with the geography. These two events were held on the same weekend less than 70 miles as the crow flies from the two tracks.

    That's 32 potential FF's at one event IF.....

  17. #17
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    Default "the series" schedule

    Can someone post a complete schedule for "the series".
    This sounds like a fun event to go and spectate at, and I saw that there is going to be an event in Phoenix, which is close for me.
    Thanks in advance
    "The fishguy"
    Last edited by Josh Pitt; 03.16.07 at 11:31 AM.

  18. #18
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    Default Formula Ford "The Series"

    Future schedule of events for Formula Ford "The Series" 2007

    June 22, 23, 24 California Speedway
    October 6 - 7 Willow Springs International Raceway
    December 1, 2 Phoenix International Raceway

    Saturday Practice, Qualifying, Race
    Sunday Warmup Qualifying, Race

    ALL GENERATIONS OF FORMULA FORDS ARE INVITED!!! Our goal is to return Formula Ford to it's Heyday of the 70's and 80"s. We are making great progress!

    Additional events sanctioned by HSR-West

    April 21 -22 North South Challenge at Thunderhill Park
    August 1 - 4 HSR-West & HSR-East at Miller Motorsports Park, Salt Lake City Utah.

    Anyone seeking information regarding Formula Ford "The Series" may contact Richard Holladay (760) 715-1417 or email

    Thanks for your interest.

    Richard Holladay, Organizer

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