
Type: Posts; User: Alain

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  1. Replies

    Vintage FF tire update

    A little more information for those dealing with the unavailability of Dunlop tires: Conversation with the nice folks at Roger Kraus reveals that Avon has produced an updated ACB9. Forum posts have...
  2. Replies

    Albatross.....funny, and I agree that my handling...

    Albatross.....funny, and I agree that my handling could use some improvement, but the question brought up by the Victory Lane article remains: Distilled vs tap (or softened) water in the cooling...
  3. Replies

    Distilled water or not?

    Very good discussion here, including near unanimous agreement that Distilled water should be used in the cooling system. Wonder If anyone has comments on the Driver Tech article in the October 2010...
Results 1 to 3 of 24

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